Edit area freezes

Heidegger's profile image Heidegger posted 2 years ago in Running SQL scripts Permalink

I am not sure of it's related, but it seems that since around the time we were forced to have our connections use SSH (via PLINK), I experience freeze-ups in the editing area. Interestingly I can still interact with the menu items of HeidiSQL, it's just the editing area that freezes. Another thing that occurs during the freeze-up is two light gray square outlines appear over the query (see attached image). I usually kill the process and start over with better luck, but it's happening consistently now and I cannot get past it. My query is simple, and retrieves just a single row, so I can't imagine it's a memory issue. Has anyone else experienced this and/or know how to resolve?

I am using version There does seem to be an update, which I will try, but it has been an issue with earlier versions as well.

Thanks! Mikey

1 attachment(s):
  • freeze
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

I would definitely recommend the latest builds. There was a freeze issue in a similar place, for which I attempted to fix some things. See also issue #1568

Heidegger's profile image Heidegger posted 2 years ago Permalink

Thanks for the suggestion and the link. I've just updated to the latest (6637), but it is still happening. It seems like the connection doesn't drop because if I try to close the tab, a message on the bottom reads, "Cannot close tab with running query. Please wait until query has finished" (and it's been over 30 minutes, the query is definitely complete and the results do render in the grid below). Interestingly, the line above that message has the query stats, "Affected rows...". Again, I am not sure if it's related to the use of the SSH tunnel, but this behavior was not experienced until I started using SSH connections.

Also, I found this (I apparently cannot post links yet, but I am referring to issue #293 in Github). Setting the sort warning to a lower # does nothing and adding a sort to my query doesn't help either. Even still, I am selecting by ID, so there is just one record coming back and I have 32GB of memory and it's not pegged, so I really don't know what's causing this.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

Thanks for the update. I'm quite sure this has more to do with the freezes mentioned in issue #1568 and issue #1737, for which I just added a safety check to prevent an interlocked method call.

Please update once again to the latest build and retry.

Heidegger's profile image Heidegger posted 2 years ago Permalink

Thank you. I downloaded the latest build, but unfortunately it still happens and with the same "Cannot close tab with running query" message. I will try against other databases (each has its own connection), so if I am not experiencing this across the board, I will compare connection settings in the profile Session Manager.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

Could it be your query tab contains more than one query, and the second one is still running?

Heidegger's profile image Heidegger posted 2 years ago Permalink

nope, the entire query is contained in that screenshot.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

I was just able to reproduce this effect. I was selecting a very large content in one row, about 50MB of text. Probably the length of the result is causing some side effects here. I am checking that.

Heidegger's profile image Heidegger posted 2 years ago Permalink

Ahh yes, that is indeed the issue. If I select each column but post_content, it runs fine and when I add that back in, it freezes. For this particular record, CHAR_LENGTH(post_content) returns 46,708. I was able to run left(post_content, 42000) successfully, but if I increase it to left(post_content, 43000), it freezes completely. I didn't do any fine tuning to find the magic #, but it's somewhere between 42000 and 43000.

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