Hi there
I've created the below script in powershell so it should be working as a cmdlet, however I'm getting the error:
Could not execute SSH command:
database-server -p 22 -N -L 3307:database-server:3306
System mesage: Wrong parameter
My powershell scripts is the following, and I'm trying to connect in powershell with "gomysql server.url
function gomysql {
param (
& 'C:\folder\heidisql.exe' `
-h 'database-server' `
-u 'admin' `
-p '************************' `
-P 3306 `
-n 2 `
-l 'libmariadb.dll' `
-sshhost=$Url `
-sshuser=dr `
-sshpass='************' `
-sshkeyfile='C:\folder\key.ppk' `
-sshport=3307 `
This particular setup works fine within HeidiSQL.