Stored Function returning the function name as the column name

XIAIX's profile image XIAIX posted 6 months ago in Running SQL scripts Permalink

So I created a Stored Function:


And when I run the query, I do indeed get the result "fail" that I was expecting:


However, how to I change the Column Name to "retval" instead of "computer_admin_login`('dummyname', 'dummypassword')"?

This Stored Function is getting called from my PHP code:


which results in:


What I want it to look like is:


XIAIX's profile image XIAIX posted 6 months ago Permalink

Figured it out... just needed to add an "AS":



ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 6 months ago Permalink

If you want numeric arrary keys instead, you may wrap the result of your PHP "query" function:

$dbRecord = array_values($db->query($dbQuery)->getRecord());
XIAIX's profile image XIAIX posted 6 months ago Permalink

If you want numeric arrary keys instead, you may wrap the result of your PHP "query" function:

$dbRecord = array_values($db->query($dbQuery)->getRecord());

Thank, Ansgar... I forgot about the array_values method :)

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