Left Join on multiple tables

Johanndj's profile image Johanndj posted 9 months ago in Running SQL scripts Permalink

Hi, I am a newbie to HeidiSQL, and not even sure if I can request help here. Forgive me if so. I will really appreciate any assistance.

I have 5 tables, and need to have the totals from a field on 4 tables to be calculated and added one table.

The issue I cannot solve is that when using multiple tables, the totals are doubled/duplicated as indicated in red below. ChatGPT, Youtube and Stackoverflow left me even more confused. 🤦‍♂️

I would so appreciate any help - thanks!


Johanndj's profile image Johanndj posted 9 months ago Permalink

I found the correct SQL script.

46devora's profile image 46devora posted 8 months ago Permalink

saya menemukan nya

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