table backup with "where"

nbelfort's profile image nbelfort posted 12 years ago in General Permalink
On table tools I can backup full tables...
How can I backup "partial" tables with a where condition?
I know I can export grid rows, but not with all the benefits of the table tools...
Thanks in advance
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 12 years ago Permalink
You cannot do that with HeidiSQL. I guess mysqldump.exe has such an option.
jfalch's profile image jfalch posted 12 years ago Permalink
"How can I backup "partial" tables with a where condition?"
not directly possible with heidisql AFAIK.
-copy the "Create Code" from appropriate tab of table; modify
a) change name (eg suffix it with "tmp")
b) change engine clause to ENGINE=MEMORY.
put changed code into a query tab, execute.
-use insert to copy data from existig table to new tmp table
-backup tmp table
jfalch's profile image jfalch posted 12 years ago Permalink
@anse: yes, mysqldump v5.1+ has a --where option.

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