XE5 compile error

Ti9eR's profile image Ti9eR posted 11 years ago in General Permalink
Checking project dependencies...
Building heidisql.dproj (Release, Win32)
brcc32 command line for "heidisql.vrc"
d:\program files\embarcadero\rad studio\12.0\bin\cgrc.exe -c65001 heidisql.vrc -foheidisql.res
dcc command line for "heidisql.dpr"
d:\program files\embarcadero\rad studio\12.0\bin\dcc32.exe -$D0 -$L- -$Y- --no-config -B -Q -TX.exe
DbiTypes=BDE;DbiProcs=BDE;DbiErrs=BDE -DRELEASE -E..\..\out -I..\..\components\graphicex;..\..\components\synapse;..\..\components\mORMot;
..\..\components\virtualtreeview\source;"d:\program files\embarcadero\rad studio\12.0\lib\Win32\release";"C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\RAD
Studio\12.0\Imports";"d:\program files\embarcadero\rad studio\12.0\Imports";"C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\12.0\Dcp";"d:\program
files\embarcadero\rad studio\12.0\include";D:\VCL_Source\VirtualTreeview\Source;D:\VCL_Source\EmbeddedWB\Source;
Files\madCollection\madBasic\BDS12\win32";"C:\Program Files\madCollection\madDisAsm\BDS12\win32";"C:\Program
Files\madCollection\madExcept\BDS12\win32";"C:\Program Files\madCollection\madExcept\..\Plugins\win32";"C:\Program
Files\madCollection\madKernel\BDS12\win32";"C:\Program Files\madCollection\madSecurity\BDS12\win32";"C:\Program
Files\madCollection\madShell\BDS12\win32";D:\VCL_Source\SynEdit\Source -LE"C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\12.0\Bpl"
-LN"C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\12.0\Dcp" -NU..\..\build\Win32 -NSDatasnap.Win;Web.Win;Soap.Win;Xml.Win;Bde;Vcl;Vcl.Imaging;Vcl.Touch;
Vcl.Samples;Vcl.Shell;System;Xml;Data;Datasnap;Web;Soap;Winapi;FMX.Canvas.GPU;System.Win;Data.Win; -O..\..\components\graphicex;
..\..\components\synedit\source;..\..\components\virtualtreeview\source;"d:\program files\embarcadero\rad studio\12.0\lib\Win32\release";
"C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\RAD Studio\12.0\Imports";"d:\program files\embarcadero\rad studio\12.0\Imports";"C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD
Studio\12.0\Dcp";"d:\program files\embarcadero\rad studio\12.0\include";D:\VCL_Source\VirtualTreeview\Source;D:\VCL_Source\EmbeddedWB\Source;
Files\madCollection\madBasic\BDS12\win32";"C:\Program Files\madCollection\madDisAsm\BDS12\win32";"C:\Program
Files\madCollection\madExcept\BDS12\win32";"C:\Program Files\madCollection\madExcept\..\Plugins\win32";"C:\Program
Files\madCollection\madKernel\BDS12\win32";"C:\Program Files\madCollection\madSecurity\BDS12\win32";"C:\Program
Files\madCollection\madShell\BDS12\win32";D:\VCL_Source\SynEdit\Source -R..\..\components\graphicex;..\..\components\synapse;..\..\components\mORMot;
..\..\components\virtualtreeview\source;"d:\program files\embarcadero\rad studio\12.0\lib\Win32\release";"C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\RAD
Studio\12.0\Imports";"d:\program files\embarcadero\rad studio\12.0\Imports";"C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\12.0\Dcp";"d:\program
files\embarcadero\rad studio\12.0\include";D:\VCL_Source\VirtualTreeview\Source;D:\VCL_Source\EmbeddedWB\Source;
Files\madCollection\madBasic\BDS12\win32";"C:\Program Files\madCollection\madDisAsm\BDS12\win32";"C:\Program
Files\madCollection\madExcept\BDS12\win32";"C:\Program Files\madCollection\madExcept\..\Plugins\win32";"C:\Program
Files\madCollection\madKernel\BDS12\win32";"C:\Program Files\madCollection\madSecurity\BDS12\win32";"C:\Program
Files\madCollection\madShell\BDS12\win32";D:\VCL_Source\SynEdit\Source -U..\..\components\graphicex;..\..\components\synapse;..\..\components\mORMot;
..\..\components\virtualtreeview\source;"d:\program files\embarcadero\rad studio\12.0\lib\Win32\release";"C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\RAD
Studio\12.0\Imports";"d:\program files\embarcadero\rad studio\12.0\Imports";"C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\12.0\Dcp";"d:\program
files\embarcadero\rad studio\12.0\include";D:\VCL_Source\VirtualTreeview\Source;D:\VCL_Source\EmbeddedWB\Source;
Files\madCollection\madBasic\BDS12\win32";"C:\Program Files\madCollection\madDisAsm\BDS12\win32";"C:\Program
Files\madCollection\madExcept\BDS12\win32";"C:\Program Files\madCollection\madExcept\..\Plugins\win32";"C:\Program
Files\madCollection\madKernel\BDS12\win32";"C:\Program Files\madCollection\madSecurity\BDS12\win32";"C:\Program
Files\madCollection\madShell\BDS12\win32";D:\VCL_Source\SynEdit\Source -K00400000 -NB"C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\12.0\Dcp"
-NH"C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\12.0\hpp" -NO..\..\build\Win32 -W-SYMBOL_PLATFORM -W-UNIT_PLATFORM heidisql.dpr
[dcc32 Warning] GraphicEx.pas(3990): W1000 Symbol 'StrLComp' is deprecated: 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit'
[dcc32 Warning] GraphicEx.pas(3991): W1000 Symbol 'StrLComp' is deprecated: 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit'
[dcc32 Warning] GraphicEx.pas(4053): W1000 Symbol 'Seek' is deprecated
[dcc32 Warning] GraphicEx.pas(4129): W1000 Symbol 'Seek' is deprecated
[dcc32 Warning] GraphicEx.pas(4270): W1000 Symbol 'StrLComp' is deprecated: 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit'
[dcc32 Warning] GraphicEx.pas(4272): W1000 Symbol 'StrLComp' is deprecated: 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit'
[dcc32 Warning] GraphicEx.pas(5706): W1000 Symbol 'Seek' is deprecated
[dcc32 Warning] GraphicEx.pas(5710): W1000 Symbol 'Seek' is deprecated
[dcc32 Warning] GraphicEx.pas(5963): W1000 Symbol 'Seek' is deprecated
[dcc32 Warning] GraphicEx.pas(5968): W1000 Symbol 'Seek' is deprecated
[dcc32 Warning] GraphicEx.pas(5971): W1000 Symbol 'Seek' is deprecated
[dcc32 Warning] GraphicEx.pas(6284): W1000 Symbol 'StrLIComp' is deprecated: 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit'
[dcc32 Warning] GraphicEx.pas(6683): W1000 Symbol 'StrLIComp' is deprecated: 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit'
[dcc32 Warning] GraphicEx.pas(7065): W1000 Symbol 'Seek' is deprecated
[dcc32 Warning] GraphicEx.pas(7158): W1000 Symbol 'Seek' is deprecated
[dcc32 Hint] GraphicEx.pas(7974): H2443 Inline function 'TList.Remove' has not been expanded because unit 'System.Types' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Hint] GraphicEx.pas(8018): H2443 Inline function 'TList.Remove' has not been expanded because unit 'System.Types' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Warning] SynRegExpr.pas(144): W1064 Widening given AnsiString constant lost information
[dcc32 Hint] SynTextDrawer.pas(475): H2443 Inline function 'TList.Remove' has not been expanded because unit 'System.Types' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Hint] SynTextDrawer.pas(651): H2443 Inline function 'TFont.GetStyle' has not been expanded because unit 'System.UITypes' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Hint] SynTextDrawer.pas(804): H2443 Inline function 'TFont.GetStyle' has not been expanded because unit 'System.UITypes' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Warning] SynEdit.pas(1330): W1036 Variable 'Success' might not have been initialized
[dcc32 Hint] SynEdit.pas(4748): H2443 Inline function 'Point' has not been expanded because unit 'System.Types' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Hint] SynEdit.pas(5461): H2443 Inline function 'Point' has not been expanded because unit 'System.Types' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Hint] SynEdit.pas(5468): H2443 Inline function 'Point' has not been expanded because unit 'System.Types' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Hint] SynEdit.pas(6194): H2443 Inline function 'TObjectList.Remove' has not been expanded because unit 'System.Types' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Hint] SynEdit.pas(6818): H2443 Inline function 'Point' has not been expanded because unit 'System.Types' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Hint] SynEdit.pas(6824): H2443 Inline function 'Point' has not been expanded because unit 'System.Types' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Hint] SynEdit.pas(6830): H2443 Inline function 'Point' has not been expanded because unit 'System.Types' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Hint] SynEdit.pas(6836): H2443 Inline function 'Point' has not been expanded because unit 'System.Types' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Hint] SynEdit.pas(10469): H2443 Inline function 'TList.Remove' has not been expanded because unit 'System.Types' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Hint] SynEdit.pas(11186): H2443 Inline function 'TObjectList.Extract' has not been expanded because unit 'System.Types' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Hint] SynEdit.pas(11243): H2443 Inline function 'TObjectList.Extract' has not been expanded because unit 'System.Types' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Hint] SynCompletionProposal.pas(974): H2443 Inline function 'TFont.GetStyle' has not been expanded because unit 'System.UITypes' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Hint] SynCompletionProposal.pas(975): H2443 Inline function 'TFont.GetStyle' has not been expanded because unit 'System.UITypes' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Hint] SynCompletionProposal.pas(976): H2443 Inline function 'TFont.GetStyle' has not been expanded because unit 'System.UITypes' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Hint] SynCompletionProposal.pas(978): H2443 Inline function 'TFont.GetStyle' has not been expanded because unit 'System.UITypes' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Hint] SynCompletionProposal.pas(979): H2443 Inline function 'TFont.GetStyle' has not been expanded because unit 'System.UITypes' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Hint] SynCompletionProposal.pas(3308): H2443 Inline function 'TList.Remove' has not been expanded because unit 'System.Types' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Warning] mysql_structures.pas(870): W1057 Implicit string cast from 'AnsiString' to 'string'
[dcc32 Warning] gnugettext.pas(591): W1000 Symbol 'MidStr' is deprecated: 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit'
[dcc32 Warning] gnugettext.pas(1823): W1000 Symbol 'GetWideStrProp' is deprecated: 'use GetStrProp'
[dcc32 Warning] gnugettext.pas(1826): W1000 Symbol 'GetUnicodeStrProp' is deprecated: 'use GetStrProp'
[dcc32 Warning] gnugettext.pas(2767): W1000 Symbol 'Seek' is deprecated
[dcc32 Warning] gnugettext.pas(3197): W1000 Symbol 'Seek' is deprecated
[dcc32 Warning] grideditlinks.pas(1054): W1057 Implicit string cast from 'AnsiChar' to 'string'
[dcc32 Hint] grideditlinks.pas(1661): H2443 Inline function 'TFont.GetStyle' has not been expanded because unit 'System.UITypes' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Warning] main.pas(3144): W1000 Symbol 'ThemeServices' is deprecated: 'Use StyleServices'
[dcc32 Warning] main.pas(3144): W1000 Symbol 'ThemeServices' is deprecated: 'Use StyleServices'
[dcc32 Warning] main.pas(3144): W1000 Symbol 'ThemesEnabled' is deprecated: 'Use TCustomStyleServices.Enabled'
[dcc32 Hint] main.pas(5903): H2443 Inline function 'TBrush.GetColor' has not been expanded because unit 'System.UITypes' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Hint] main.pas(6953): H2443 Inline function 'TBrush.GetColor' has not been expanded because unit 'System.UITypes' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Hint] main.pas(7098): H2443 Inline function 'TBrush.GetColor' has not been expanded because unit 'System.UITypes' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Hint] main.pas(8116): H2443 Inline function 'TFont.GetStyle' has not been expanded because unit 'System.UITypes' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Hint] tabletools.pas(1080): H2443 Inline function 'TFont.GetStyle' has not been expanded because unit 'System.UITypes' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Hint] tabletools.pas(1083): H2443 Inline function 'TFont.GetStyle' has not been expanded because unit 'System.UITypes' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Hint] table_editor.pas(1089): H2443 Inline function 'TFont.GetStyle' has not been expanded because unit 'System.UITypes' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Warning] helpers.pas(2454): W1000 Symbol 'TCharacter' is deprecated: 'Use TCharHelper'
[dcc32 Warning] helpers.pas(2464): W1000 Symbol 'ThemeServices' is deprecated: 'Use StyleServices'
[dcc32 Warning] helpers.pas(2464): W1000 Symbol 'ThemeServices' is deprecated: 'Use StyleServices'
[dcc32 Warning] helpers.pas(2464): W1000 Symbol 'ThemesEnabled' is deprecated: 'Use TCustomStyleServices.Enabled'
[dcc32 Hint] helpers.pas(2547): H2443 Inline function 'MessageDlg' has not been expanded because unit 'System.UITypes' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Hint] helpers.pas(2936): H2164 Variable 'LastNewLineOffset' is declared but never used in 'TSQLBatch.SetSQL'
[dcc32 Hint] loginform.pas(45): H2443 Inline function 'TFont.GetStyle' has not been expanded because unit 'System.UITypes' is not specified in USES list
[dcc32 Error] E1026 File not found: '..\..\res\icon.RES'
[dcc32 Error] E1026 File not found: '..\..\res\version.RES'
[dcc32 Error] E1026 File not found: '..\..\res\manifest.RES'
[dcc32 Error] E1026 File not found: '..\..\res\updater.RES'

Elapsed time: 00:00:02.0

How to fix it? thanks
Ti9eR's profile image Ti9eR posted 11 years ago Permalink
four RES files in package directory
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 11 years ago Permalink
The XE5 packages are not finalized yet. You need to compile the .rc files to .res files first.
Ti9eR's profile image Ti9eR posted 11 years ago Permalink
XE5 complie error,how to fix it ?

[dcc32 Warning] SynRegExpr.pas(144): W1064 Widening given AnsiString constant lost information
[dcc32 Warning] SynEditHighlighter.pas(1142): W1063 Widening given AnsiChar constant (#$B4) to WideChar lost information
[dcc32 Warning] SynEditHighlighter.pas(1142): W1063 Widening given AnsiChar constant (#$B0) to WideChar lost information
[dcc32 Error] SynEditHighlighter.pas(1142): E2030 Duplicate case label
[dcc32 Error] SynEditHighlighter.pas(1142): E2030 Duplicate case label
[dcc32 Warning] SynEditHighlighter.pas(1143): W1063 Widening given AnsiChar constant (#$A7) to WideChar lost information
[dcc32 Error] SynEditHighlighter.pas(1143): E2030 Duplicate case label
[dcc32 Fatal Error] SynEditMiscProcs.pas(2009): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'SynEditHighlighter.pas'
Elapsed time: 00:00:01.6

function TSynCustomHighlighter.IsWordBreakChar(AChar: WideChar): Boolean;
case AChar of
#0..#32, '.', ',', ';', ':', '"', '''', '?, '`', '?, '^', '!', '?', '&',
'$', '@', '?, '%', '#', '~', '[', ']', '(', ')', '{', '}', '<', '>',
'-', '=', '+', '*', '/', '\', '|':
Result := True;
Result := False;
Ti9eR's profile image Ti9eR posted 11 years ago Permalink
OS is Windows 7 English version

Region and Language setting is :

Format : Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
Current Location : China
display language : English
Language for non-Unicode programs : Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 11 years ago Permalink
No clue, I don't get these. You should compare the SynEdit project files in components\SynEdit\packages\delphiXE5\ . I guess you have some flag set or unset which I don't have in the project files.
Ti9eR's profile image Ti9eR posted 11 years ago Permalink
what is your OS Region and Language setting,garbled code of UNICODE character cause this error.
Ti9eR's profile image Ti9eR posted 11 years ago Permalink
Those code snippet is copy from SVN r4639.

what is your OS Region and Language setting ? garbled code of UNICODE character( '? ) in RAD IDE cause this error.
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 11 years ago Permalink
I'm on a german Windows 7, and the file has ANSI encoding (Latin1).

On of the broken chars is a paragraph letter here:

function TSynCustomHighlighter.IsWordBreakChar(AChar: WideChar): Boolean;
case AChar of
#0..#32, '.', ',', ';', ':', '"', '''', '´', '`', '°', '^', '!', '?', '&',
'$', '@', '§', '%', '#', '~', '[', ']', '(', ')', '{', '}', '<', '>',
'-', '=', '+', '*', '/', '\', '|':
Result := True;
Result := False;
Ti9eR's profile image Ti9eR posted 11 years ago Permalink
What editor font is used in your XE5 IDE? thanks!
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 11 years ago Permalink
Courier New...

I think you should just convert that file to UTF8 and you're done. I wonder why it's still ANSI, also in the source project: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/synedit/code/SynEdit/Source/SynEditHighlighter.pas
[expired user #8908]'s profile image [expired user #8908] posted 9 years ago Permalink
This bug occurs on Windows 7-based systems (ANSI code).
The Unicode string conversion fails within SynEdit components.
you can modified the source 4 places, as shown url.

[expired user #8908]'s profile image [expired user #8908] posted 9 years ago Permalink

This bug occurs on Windows 7-based systems (ANSI code).
The Unicode string conversion fails within SynEdit components.
you can modified the source 4 places, as shown url.
Tested by RAD2010, Win7(X64).


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