its heidisql at fault

[expired user #7454]'s profile image [expired user #7454] posted 11 years ago in General Permalink
my table is auto encrement primary key not null
in mysql workbench query table loads and no problem
in heidi query table loads and no problem
but when i click the data button the row numbers are all mixed up
like insted of row 1 2 3 4 5
i get rows 12 3 18 4 1
but it dont happen in mysql workbench
and i have prtformance schema on
and this is the newer update of heidi i downloaded yesterday
december 23 2013

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 11 years ago Permalink
Sounds as if you have clicked a column header for sorting - nothing special. Click the "Sorting" button on the upper right to see how the grid is currently sorted.

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