Now, with a completely rewritten interface to plink.exe, HeidiSQL displays all messages from the different I/O pipes on the Plink process. Even it creates cancelable confirmation dialogs out of various prompts on the Plink command line.

Bind parameters
Not yet finished but usable: Bind parameters for SQL queries. When your SQL query contains one or more ":myparam:" occurences, the right hand box offers to set a value for these parameters. Adrien, a contributor from France, has developed this new feature.
Search on MSSQL
The "Find text on server" dialog now also works on MSSQL tables. Thanks to pierpa for his SQL hints!
The table editor now supports partitions, in a new read-only tab. That way, partitions a) can be seen by the user and b) get included in the CREATE TABLE code tab.
Result tab hints
Some users complained about the potentially huge tooltips on the tabs of a SQL query result. These quickly hide important parts of the result rows. If you're one of those annoyed users, you can now disable these tooltips with a new checkbox option in Tools > Preferences > Data appearance > "Popup SQL text over result tabs".
Database selector
In a session configuration, you can restrict the databases to display. That was just a normal drop down menu previously. Now, you can check databases and uncheck them in a pulldown menu. Also, the connection used to get the names of all databases is recycled for each click, so only the first pull down click establishes a new (potentially slow) connection.
Installer localized
The installer for HeidiSQL now uses localized messages in 23 different languages. Language is auto-selected by checking your Windows locale. Thanks to [url=]Jordan Russel for creating InnoSetup, a brilliant install/uninstall compiler!
VIEW privileges
The user manager now supports granting privileges for VIEWs. This was not allowed until now, because I misunderstood the MySQL documentation here. See the forum thread with alfiqmiq for details.