BUG: Input of Space Character > Heidi Jumps to Databases Tab

UdoVV's profile image UdoVV posted 6 months ago in General Permalink

Hello, HeidiSQL, Windows 10 Pro 22H2 build 19045.4291. I experience a very disturbing bug in the Data tab.

Typing a space character (ASCII 32) into the data field editor causes a jump to the Databases tab. No matter the existing content of the data field or the position of the text cursor. It only happens when the character is entered directly via a keyboard, i.e. the space bar on my laptop or on an external keyboard or even typing ALT 32. When pasting a space character it does not cause a jump.

This bug started to appear about a month ago.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 6 months ago Permalink

I cannot reproduce that here.

Probably you reconfigured some keyboard shortcuts?

Please check what the "Go to" > "Tab 2" item has for you:


UdoVV's profile image UdoVV posted 6 months ago Permalink

Thanks ansgar. "GoTo" via the menu behaves as it should. But a space character in a data field editor on the Data tab jumps to Tab1 like ctrl+1.

If it was a shortcut problem, then this should happen anywhere else too, but typing space characters in a table comment field for example does not jump.

UdoVV's profile image UdoVV posted 6 months ago Permalink

Further testing shows that the jump happens only in the small text editor. So, a data fiels in the Data Tab, Name, Comment and Expression when editing columns. All other text editors seem to be ok.

UdoVV's profile image UdoVV posted 6 months ago Permalink

After uninstalling HeidiSQL and installing HeidiSQL the problem seems to be gone. I will try upgrading again in a month or two.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 6 months ago Permalink

There was no code change from me with regard to keyboard shortcuts since the v12.6 release. But I updated the VirtualTreeview code to v8.0.1. Probably there was some related change. But it's still unlikely that this caused the space issue you are describing.

If you once update again and get this space-tab-jump, please verify if that also happens on a different computer.

UdoVV's profile image UdoVV posted 6 months ago Permalink

Thanks ansgar, I will post here once I upgrade again.

UdoVV's profile image UdoVV posted 5 months ago Permalink

Just updated to version and the problem is solved.

UdoVV's profile image UdoVV posted 5 months ago Permalink

Hi Ansgar, I just upgraded to version and found a way to reproduce this bug.

When creating a new View with an error in the code "SQL Error (1064): You have an error in your SQL syntax . . ." is returned. After that or after dropping the View the bug appears and it no longer possible to add a space character in the small text editor as described above. HeidiSQL jumps to the Host tab instead of adding the space.

I reverted to version again and there is no problem even after creating a view with an error in the code and then dropping it.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 months ago Permalink

Tried to reproduce again, but without luck. Created a view with an SQL error, pressed "Save" which triggered an error dialog, but still can type spaces very normally in the grid editors. So I guess this must be something on your side.

Can you verify the "Go to" menu does not probably contain a space as shortcut for "Tab 1" (instead of Ctrl 1)?

UdoVV's profile image UdoVV posted 5 months ago Permalink

Tab 1 has Ctrl+ 1 assigned. I never even thought about customizing the GoTo or any other shotcuts.

Why does version not show any signs of this behavior?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 months ago Permalink

Ok, then we know it's not due to a shortcut customization.

I cannot tell you why you have this with the newer releases. I cannot even reproduce it here, and I never heard the same from others. The only similar thing I recall was issue #723, but that was Ctrl Backspace, and that jumped to the Host tab. And only Wine users were affected, while you did not mention Wine here, so I think we're talking about a normal Windows installation?

UdoVV's profile image UdoVV posted 5 months ago Permalink

Windows 10 Pro, version 22H2, build 19045.4291

If it helps, I could send you a screen-capture video as soon as I have a little free time during the week.

UdoVV's profile image UdoVV posted 5 months ago Permalink

HeidiSQL is already affected.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 months ago Permalink

No need to create a video. It would be of more help if you could track down since which build you have this issue.

As you said that build 6825 is affected, but not so build 6765, I recommend to download these builds in the first step and test:

Please note

  • you need to place these builds into C:\Program Files\HeidiSQL\, or wherever you have installed HeidiSQL. So you don't need to download additional libraries.
  • only start one instance of HeidiSQL at one time, anyway which version it is.

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