JSON viewer

[expired user #11524]'s profile image [expired user #11524] posted 7 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink

Hello. I think, it'll be good idea to add JSON viewer,which show it as TREE-like struct. Current time heidisql shows text columns with JSON data as plain text. This is not useful when analyzing recorded data.

[expired user #10265]'s profile image [expired user #10265] posted 7 years ago Permalink

Love how others are thinking the same.

In mySQL there is a DataType: JSON

The logic could be if DataType == 'JSON' OR DataType == 'LONGTEXT'

Then display a JSON viewer/formatter component.

This would make HeidiSQL an absolute God product.

[expired user #11524]'s profile image [expired user #11524] posted 7 years ago Permalink

Love how others are thinking the same.

In mySQL there is a DataType: JSON

The logic could be if DataType == 'JSON' OR DataType == 'LONGTEXT'

Then display a JSON viewer/formatter component.

This would make HeidiSQL an absolute God product. I think, need check format of data in column. If it can be parsed as JSON, then display JSON viewer. Or easier way. Add checkbox to column viewer. If checkbox is checked - show it in JSON viewer, otherwise - use default viewer.

podwieczorek's profile image podwieczorek posted 5 years ago Permalink

I'd love this feature in Heidi SQL!

olliejones's profile image olliejones posted 3 years ago Permalink

I agree with this feature request. It would be excellent to have a way to prettyprint format any JSON-like text. A display would be great if it looked like the output from Javascript JSON.stringify(object, null, 2)

Considering how many php and WordPress users there are for MariaDB and MySQL, a prettyprinter for php serialized data would also be great. //www.php.net/manual/en/function.serialize.php (I know, it's a hideous nightmare of a format. Even the the php docs say "use JSON". But php serialize has infested the world.)

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