Large table (50GB blob) lets Heidi freeze during transfer

WebCF's profile image WebCF posted 4 years ago in Import/Export Permalink


I set Heidi to transfer direct from Server A to Server B with one 50GB table of blob data. First it worked fine but then Heidi starts to freeze during some transfers. It transfers with full speed then it freezes for 1-2 minutes before Heidi continues. It feels like it freezes longer every freeze.

Anything I can help to make Heidi simply work on those large tables? Why does it freeze when there is no need to?

Heidi @

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 4 years ago Permalink

HeidiSQL freezes in some situations just because it is busy, and does not respond to user input. That does not mean it no longer works under the hood. You may watch network and/or harddisk access through your task manager to determine if HeidiSQL is still working.

WebCF's profile image WebCF posted 4 years ago Permalink

No, it does not work under the hood then, as far as I can see. Network traffic is 0/0, the duration timer stopped as well. When Heidi comes up again the network speed is at full speed again. AFter some seconds, it freezes and network IO is 0.

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