create a new localhost session with connection type Microsoft SQL Server (TCP/IP)

dami97's profile image dami97 posted 4 years ago in Creating a connection Permalink

I'm new to heidisql

I'd like to create a new localhost session with connection type Microsoft SQL Server (TCP/IP) but I keep getting this error:

SQL Error (10061): Protocol error in the TDS stream The client is unable to establish the connection due to an error during the handshake operation.

Any suggestions? Thanks

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ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 4 years ago Permalink

Never heard that error message before.

You may retry with the other library SQLOEDB, and ignore the upcoming warning message temporarily.

dami97's profile image dami97 posted 4 years ago Permalink

If I try with SQLOEDB I get this error:

SQL Error (11): [DBNETLIB] [ConnectionOpen (PreLoginHandshake ()).] Generic network error. Check your network documentation Generic network error. Check your network documentation.

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