Logging - Is it possible to make error text red?

ghoppermaster's profile image ghoppermaster posted 2 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink


Thanks again for a great product.

Is it possible to make error text in the logging window red please (or a customisable colour)?

Often I'll run a query that errors (I know, I should get better at SQL!) ... but it's not immediately obvious that the query has executed with an error.

Please see the attachment for further information.



1 attachment(s):
  • HeidiSQL_Logging_Feature
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

Latest build has just got a red background on erroneous SQL:


I think I can use the same event on the log panel, detect the "SQL Error (..." text, and make it red.

I would just make its background red, probably a bit less red than #f00.

ghoppermaster's profile image ghoppermaster posted 2 years ago Permalink


Thanks for the fast response.

Whatever you think is best, any clearer indication of an error will be helpful.

Just FYI, Unity Editor does it like this (https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Console.html):

image description

You can filter for errors or just informational messages and search. But as that is more like a debugger it might be overkill. It's more just the icons in the tabs at the top right corner. It might be useful for your console to have similar for 'rows affected' and 'errors' count in a neat UI.

Thanks again,


Code modification/commit 465b3da from Ansgar Becker <anse@heidisql.com>, 2 years ago, revision
Use red background for SQL errors in log panel too. See https://www.heidisql.com/forum.php?t=40110
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

This is how it looks like in the next build:


ghoppermaster's profile image ghoppermaster posted 2 years ago Permalink


It looks great, thanks.

Maybe the logging area could be more like a datagrid, one row per request result? With some subtle zebra striping?

That could also lead the way to some context buttons or right click to "search Google for error code" etc.

Many thanks,


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