Heidi window greys out and freezes at random times

abruck's profile image abruck posted 2 years ago in General Permalink

Heidi window greys out and freezes at random times and I need to close the window and reopen loosing all changes

Any ideas?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

I suppose mostly the current connection is a bit slow then, and the automatic ping every 20 seconds takes longer than expected. You can try to increase the ping interval in the session settings on the Advanced tab.

abruck's profile image abruck posted 2 years ago Permalink

OK,I did that

I'll let you know how it goes


abruck's profile image abruck posted 2 years ago Permalink

I increased the ping interval to 40 and it happened again. I just wanted to highlight the word _emp_stat by clicking on it twice and the hourglass appeared (see attached) and that was it. I needed to shut it down and restart.

Happens quite often, for no apparent reason ...

1 attachment(s):
  • HeidiHouglass
abruck's profile image abruck posted 2 years ago Permalink

And when I tried to do it again, it froze here: Description

abruck's profile image abruck posted 2 years ago Permalink

Then I tried to Save each line as I wrote it so as not to loose every thing and got this: Description while trying to Save the second line. Here's whats is the bottom window: SELECT CURRENT_USER(); SHOW TRIGGERS FROM KeyAutism; SHOW CREATE TRIGGER KeyAutism.trg_SupervProg_HoursEntry; / Entering session "Key-Autism" / DROP TRIGGER trg_SupervProg_HoursEntry; CREATE DEFINER=admin@% TRIGGER trg_SupervProg_HoursEntry BEFORE INSERT ON SupervProg_HoursEntry FOR EACH ROW BEGIN

DECLARE _emp_stat VARCHAR(126);

END; / Access violation at address 0000000000C62D94 in module 'heidisql.exe'. Read of address 0000000000000007 / DROP TRIGGER trg_SupervProg_HoursEntry; DROP TRIGGER trg_SupervProg_HoursEntry; / SQL Error (1360): Trigger does not exist / DROP TRIGGER trg_SupervProg_HoursEntry; / SQL Error (1360): Trigger does not exist /

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

That sounds like issue #1568, which I could not solve and not reproduce here. I suspect some preference setting is causing the freeze.

Could you post screenshots of the tabs in Tools > Preferences? Be sure to obfuscate sensitive information if any.

abruck's profile image abruck posted 2 years ago Permalink

Description Description Description Description Description

abruck's profile image abruck posted 2 years ago Permalink

The other 2 tabs are whatever the defaults are

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

Thanks for the screens. I could somehow now reproduce the freeze sporadically, with the same settings as you have.

I just pushed a modification which may solve this. Not sure.

Please update to the next build and retry if that helps.

abruck's profile image abruck posted 2 years ago Permalink

ok, greatly appreciated!

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

Just compiling the next build.. my previous fix was incomplete. Sorry for the mess.

abruck's profile image abruck posted 2 years ago Permalink

ok, np

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

abruck, did you had the chance to test the new build?

abruck's profile image abruck posted 2 years ago Permalink

not yet, should be able to do so this weekend

abruck's profile image abruck posted 2 years ago Permalink

still happening. I was able to reproduce it and it happened twice at the same point:

I'm trying to create a trigger and as you can see in the screen shot, it freeze when I try to type the "w" of new

I closed the window and tried again and it froze at the same point: Description

abruck's profile image abruck posted 2 years ago Permalink

By the way, I increased the ping interval to 40 when you suggested it and then again to 80 last week

abruck's profile image abruck posted 2 years ago Permalink

it happened a third time in exactly the same spot

This pops up just before the actual freeze:

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

When you get that crash dialog, please click "show bug report" next time, and paste the bugreport.txt here, or at least a screenshot of the upper 5 lines in the callstack.

abruck's profile image abruck posted 2 years ago Permalink

this time I got this: Description

abruck's profile image abruck posted 2 years ago Permalink

restarted and got the send bug window, but then just this: Description

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

Uh, that looks very unnormal. That's the crash dialog which is displayed without controls. Could it be there's some graphics card issue, or your system ran out of memory?

abruck's profile image abruck posted 2 years ago Permalink

When you get that crash dialog, please click "show bug report" next time, and paste the bugreport.txt here, or at least a screenshot of the upper 5 lines in the callstack.

I did that. Did you get it?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 1 year ago Permalink

I meant to paste these lines here in the forum. Anyway, I found the callstack in the uploaded reports. It shows you're not on the latest build. Please update and retry:

"Help" > "Check for updates" > "Download and install nightly build"

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 1 year ago Permalink

One of your uploaded reports definitely shows an out-of-memory problem on your client:

006673d6 heidisql.exe Vcl.Graphics            OutOfResources
7ff9c44a USER32.dll                           GetMessageW
004f314c heidisql.exe madExcept               HandleException
004ff4f1 heidisql.exe madExcept               InterceptAHandleExcept
0083c629 heidisql.exe Vcl.Forms               TCustomForm.DoDestroy

I recommend to find and exit running applications with large memory consumption.

abruck's profile image abruck posted 1 year ago Permalink

It froze right here as I was typing; no error window, just froze: Description

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 1 year ago Permalink

Please try with disabled auto-uppercase option:


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