Alter Column

tobisch159's profile image tobisch159 posted 2 years ago in General Permalink


unfortunately i get an error when i change a table field in HeidiSQL. It doesn`t care if its a rename of the field or a change of the data type.

I can do the change but if i cklick the save button the generated SQL always come to the error:

sql error 102 incorrect syntax near INT

it doesnt matter which data type here it is. The followin Code is generated bei HeidiSQL in "Alter Code": ALTER TABLE "dbo"."dispo_kopf" ALTER COLUMN "dk_ersteller" "dk_erstellerr" INT NULL DEFAULT NULL;

Maybe someone can help me?

Thanks a lot.

Best regards Tobias

tobisch159's profile image tobisch159 posted 2 years ago Permalink

Hey again,

i think i know whats going wrong.

i have a MSSQL database and HeidiSQL translates to MySQL Syntax.

Is there an option to set to MSSQL?

Best regards Tobias

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

Yes, the modifications on table structure on servers other than MySQL or MariaDB is incomplete in HeidiSQL.

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