Problem Occurring During CSV Import

Dori's profile image Dori posted 11 months ago in General Permalink

When importing a CSV and automatically generating a new table schema, all the table and column names become lowercase. Like "itemId" turns into "itemid". I would like to create them distinguishing between upper and lower case. What should I do?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 11 months ago Permalink

There is nothing you can do, the auto-detection always uses lower case column names. But you can manually edit the SQL code, before you click the "Create table" button.

Dori's profile image Dori posted 11 months ago Permalink

Thank you for your response. However, a few months ago, Heidi SQL I used was able to recognize case sensitivity when creating tables. I guess I'll have to try using older versions...

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 11 months ago Permalink

Indeed, I modified that short before the v12.2 release, so you could use v12.1 to use untouched column names. However, there were also a few other bugs which I solved since then, so don't complain when you run into some crash then.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 11 months ago Permalink

This was the relevant modification: commit:9265598d41aacf71343b0e90247e61eeeff0a6a9

Dori's profile image Dori posted 11 months ago Permalink

I understand. Thank you for letting me know.

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