Exporting 80k rows to Excel

McDudeFace's profile image McDudeFace posted 9 months ago in Import/Export Permalink

Hello all,

Sorry to reach out but I've been using HeidiSQL for some time, but recently I wanted to export all rows from one of my tables for auditing purposes. I currently have 80k rows for the table which I would like to export.

Now, usually, I have had no issues since most of the tables in my db are quite small so I usually would select all and then 'Copy As Excel' normally. However, doing it for this amount causes my set-up to crash. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do?

I'm probably missing something obvious, so any help would be appreciated.


ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 9 months ago Permalink

Instead of copying the data you could export it to a file. That file should as well be compatible to Excel.

McDudeFace's profile image McDudeFace posted 9 months ago Permalink

Thank you for the response! How would I go about doing that? With an SQL query or is there a feature already in place?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 9 months ago Permalink

In the same dialog "Export grid rows":


McDudeFace's profile image McDudeFace posted 9 months ago Permalink

Perfect. That resolved it.

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