Hello, in the query box I have a commented query and an active query
#SELECT * FROM facturas WHERE id_tercero=1714;
SELECT * FROM caja WHERE nuc=156498 OR NUC=51;
I recibe the (caja) data. Edit it in the Grid. The modified data is on the commented table (facturas).
(This is the log) #SELECT * FROM facturas WHERE id_tercero=1714;
SELECT FROM caja WHERE nuc=156498 OR NUC=51;
/ Filas afectadas: 0 Filas encontradas: 5 Advertencias: 0 DuraciĆ³n para 1 consulta: 0,016 seg. /
UPDATE havaianas
SET id_moneda_dp
='PSO' WHERE nuc
/ Error de SQL (1054): Unknown column 'id_moneda_dp' in 'field list' */
HeidiSQL is a great software. Thank you for your work.