Would like to see SQL reformat have option to insert line breaks at commas

kilvroch's profile image kilvroch posted 11 months ago in General Permalink

This has been posted several times over the years... But - when pressing CTRL-F8 to reformat SQL, it concatenates all columns into one long string right now I'm getting :

SELECT so.EntryId AS se_orderId, oo.OrderId AS oe_orderId, so.ExhId AS se_ExhId, oo.ExhId AS oe_ExhId, se.DogId AS se_DogId, oe.DogId AS oe_DogId, se.Id AS se_Id, oe.Id AS oe_Id, oe.DogName, od.DogSex, oe.ClassNo AS oe_ClassNo, sc.ClassName

I would like it to look like

SELECT so.EntryId AS se_orderId, 
oo.OrderId AS oe_orderId, 
so.ExhId AS se_ExhId, 
oo.ExhId AS oe_ExhId, 
se.DogId AS se_DogId,
lotiara's profile image lotiara posted 10 months ago Permalink


I also spend a lot of time doing manually that kind of things.

Heidsql automatic SQL format i not Top Noch.

Somehow tedious, but I often copy to VScode, format there and paste in Heidi.

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