display tabs in one row or make them fixed

chocofc1's profile image chocofc1 posted 9 months ago in General Permalink

Hi, I would like to ask if its posible to display the TABS in ONE ROW, or at least make them fixed. The thing is I always end up having 10-15 tabs opened at same time and each time I change the tab it moves the line, and my mind blows to tiny pieces.

Thank you.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 9 months ago Permalink

Yes, I added such an option a few days ago. You need to update to the latest build (Help > Check for updates > "Download and install build...")

In the latest build, you can right-click the main tabs and uncheck the "Tabs in multiple lines" item:


chocofc1's profile image chocofc1 posted 9 months ago Permalink

lucky me, thank you! Now if you add the ability to scroll tabs with the mouse wheel, something similar to how Browsers do, would be awesome. The 2 buttons for moving left or right are too small for my taste and requiere a lot of focusing.

But thank you.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 9 months ago Permalink

Next build also supports scrolling tabs horizontally per mousewheel.

chocofc1's profile image chocofc1 posted 8 months ago Permalink

You are awesome. Thank you!

I made a donation, will be sending you an email one of these days.

matrix's profile image matrix posted 7 months ago Permalink

Hi, I have more than 15 tabs so this one line is not so nice option for me. Any chance getting vertical selection (alphabetical) of tabs :)?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 7 months ago Permalink

Well the default is to have tabs in multiple rows. You cannot set the tabs to the left, right or bottom of the page control. This is not an option in Heidi.

Out of curiosity, I just tested that here, by setting the page control's TabPosition to tpLeft. Here's how that looks like. Note this shows some new bugs, e.g. the "New tab" button is misplaced:


matrix's profile image matrix posted 7 months ago Permalink

Uh that looks weird. I'd like to have them in one column, vertically, in readable mode :) When you have lots of queries, all other modes are hard to read/find. like: For all servers 1 Nice query 1 Query 1 Query 2

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 7 months ago Permalink

Yes, agreed. But that's not possible with the underlying page control component I'm afraid.

matrix's profile image matrix posted 7 months ago Permalink

Ah this forum makes line feeds disappear :) Anyhow like this.. Description

uaoleg's profile image uaoleg posted 5 months ago Permalink

Two most unused tabs take most of the row space. Can't we rename them to just Host and DB?

1 attachment(s):
  • heidi
Code modification/commit 56d84c3 from Ansgar Becker <anse@heidisql.com>, 5 months ago, revision
Host tab: use session name as tab caption, and show host name as mouse-over hint. See https://www.heidisql.com/forum.php?t=41399
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 months ago Permalink

I just modified the tab's caption, so it uses the session name instead of "Host: foobar.probably-too-long-hostname-whatever.com". I also removed the word "Host" from it. Hovering the mouse over it shows the current host name.

I suppose that makes the tabs shorter in almost any case.

uaoleg's profile image uaoleg posted 5 months ago Permalink

Great news, thank you!

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