problem importing

gosaga20's profile image gosaga20 posted 8 months ago in General Permalink

Hello im new to sql and english is not my main language sorry in advance

when i try to upload a file in heidiSQL this is what its look like can you help me. so that it will when to the correct column?

2 attachment(s):
  • Screenshot_1
  • Screenshot_2
gosaga20's profile image gosaga20 posted 8 months ago Permalink

Thank you I already solve the problem :)

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 8 months ago Permalink

@gosaga20 could you share your solution here?

gosaga20's profile image gosaga20 posted 8 months ago Permalink

@ansgar when i import excel.csv i use this tool highlighted with red

Then i encounter a problem when there is a number that have (example 10,00) i just edit it as whole number

1 attachment(s):
  • Screenshot_3

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