What driver does HeidiSQL use for connection to MySQL?

test.yzgoa's profile image test.yzgoa posted 7 months ago in General Permalink

We checked the logs, and the message output at the bottom of the window. However, we didn't see any information about the driver. So, we wonder whether it is ODBC, JDBC, or some other driver.

We highly appreciate any hints and suggestions.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 7 months ago Permalink

Look at the bottom status panel with the server name and version. Hovering the mouse over it shows which client library uses, e.g. "libmariadb.dll". The driver using that library is written by me.


test.yzgoa's profile image test.yzgoa posted 7 months ago Permalink

Thank you, @ansgar.

The popped message says ... Client version (libmysql.dll): 5.6.6-m9 ..., so I think it's using libmysql.dll.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 7 months ago Permalink

Please note that you can select different libraries in the session settings.

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