Allocating more ram

ZaiDa's profile image ZaiDa posted 7 months ago in General Permalink

Hello. Is there a way to allocate more ram to this app other than changing priorities in task manager? I have 32gb ram and every time I view a data tab with more than 100k rows, my fps in scrolling through it all just plummets. When I get to 300k it just becomes daunting to use the search function as it takes over 2 mins to find 1 word. If not, is there a way to segment off the previous set of rows after clicking on Next? for instance viewing rows 50k-100 only instead of 0-100k.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 7 months ago Permalink

When you have such a large number of rows in a grid, then that's not just a matter of RAM.

Well, you should filter the grid roughty first, with a WHERE filter, to get a more reasonable amount of rows which HeidiSQL can handle easily. A good way is to use a DATE/TIME column for filtering:


ZaiDa's profile image ZaiDa posted 7 months ago Permalink

Thanks for the help. Looks like my best option. Appreciated :)

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