TIME without minute and seconds

gosaga20's profile image gosaga20 posted 7 months ago in General Permalink

Good morning is there anyway to arrange the time with out minutes and seconds?

I just need the date and hour. thank you very much

1 attachment(s):
  • time
TTSneko's profile image TTSneko posted 7 months ago Permalink

The entries in that column must be defined as DATETIME. As I do not know the names you used:

  • "tabelle" the table you are using
  • "dz" is the column name you are using

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(dz, "%Y %m %e - %h") FROM tabelle;

Converts: "2023-11-09 03:12:25" => "2023-11-09 - 03" "2024-01-10 12:31:00" => "2024-01-10 - 12"

gosaga20's profile image gosaga20 posted 7 months ago Permalink

thank you. i will try this.

yes this is set as DATETIME

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