Instability after right-clicking row and onmouseenter the Grid view options context menu item.

JAB Creations's profile image JAB Creations posted 12 months ago in General Permalink

While in the Data view of a database table if I right-click the program's index column (recently added, not a table column itself) and move my mouse over the "Grid view options" menu the program says an error has occurred in the program. A quick visualization:

Grid view options context menu

I'm able to recover without restarting 100% as far as I can tell. A little more testing, this also happens in open space though not if I right-click on a row first. I'm using and there are only nightly releases available. I'd imagine this is some minor if condition.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 12 months ago Permalink

I am not able to reproduce a crash there - with the latest build. Could you please update per About > Check for updates > Download and install build xyz and then retest?

JAB Creations's profile image JAB Creations posted 12 months ago Permalink

I downloaded and installed build 6799 (had an error in the program though at least you made it in to a clickable link, thank you).

I did not realize it was exactly just the executable for a moment. I then moved the file to my installation directory. I ran it and repeated the steps and the issue no longer occurs with my very reproducible steps. So hopefully that will give you a sigh of relief of one less bug that needs to be flattened. 🙂︀

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 12 months ago Permalink

Thanks for the quick update! And yes, it's always nice to hear reported bugs are already fixed :) I just need to release a new official version soon.

JAB Creations's profile image JAB Creations posted 12 months ago Permalink

Cool, I'm glad to help. HeidiSQL does everything that I know that I need it to do right now, other people will have a more expansive comprehension of what it may or may not need. I'd just be happy to get to the point where I can start dropping donations for projects like this one in a year or two hopefully.

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