Suggestion: Spread the number of attached databases please

azielnik's profile image azielnik posted 7 months ago in General Permalink


I would like to suggest to spread the number of attached datafiles to at least 15, to cover:

  • monthly databases M01..M02
  • current and last year cumulative database

but the best for analytical and practical purposes it wóuld be 2 x 12 Month, 3 x yearly databases

so the most favourable attach number of database should be 30

What do you think?

azielnik's profile image azielnik posted 7 months ago Permalink

I direct this need once again :)

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 7 months ago Permalink

I'm not sure what's the problem here. I don't think I am limiting the number of attached databases.

Are we talking about SQLite or...?

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