http(s) Tunnel

wriedmann's profile image wriedmann posted 5 months ago in Feature discussion Permalink

Hello, I'm really interested in a http(s) tunnel for HeidiSQL like the one Navicat has. I have seen that there is an old thread where this feature was discussed and discarded. This is an important thing for us, and we can cooperate on building the PHP side as we have the knowledge inhouse (not me, but other people in our company). We can also spend some money for its developement (after all, everyone needs to pay the bills). Wolfgang

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 months ago Permalink

HeidiSQL supports SSH tunneling since 2010. More recent versions allow to use the Windows OpenSSH executable, older ones only operate with plink/putty.

Please watch out for the "SSH tunnel" items of MySQL and PostgreSQL in the network type of HeidiSQL's session manager. Microsoft SQL server also supports SSH tunneling on the SSH tab

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 months ago Permalink

Oh I just see you're referring to http, not ssh. Sorry, that's not supported in HeidiSQL.

wriedmann's profile image wriedmann posted 5 months ago Permalink

Hi Ansgar,

no way to implement that?

Let me explain: we are using Navicat at the moment, but since they are located in Hongkong, I'm searching for an alternative. And as I wrote: we are willing to pay some money for it, and can also help on the PHP side.


ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 months ago Permalink

Well there is a way but I'm not sure if I want to spend the time on implementing a new driver for a http tunnel.

I just see I had closed issue #1710 with the same misunderstanding I had here above. Just reopened it.

wriedmann's profile image wriedmann posted 5 months ago Permalink

Hi Ansgar,

please think about it! I think it is really important, as not everyone would like to open up ssh tunnels. For example, the MariaDB and PostgreSQL servers in our cluster don't have public IP addresses and are reachable only from the webservers in the same cluster through a private network.


ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 months ago Permalink

Did you consider using another client? For instance SQLyog supports http tunneling as far as I know.

wriedmann's profile image wriedmann posted 5 months ago Permalink

Hi Ansgar,

unfortunately we need both PostgreSQL and MySQL, and PostgreSQL is more important now, and new projects are done only in PostgreSQL, not more in MySQL/MariaDB.


ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 months ago Permalink

So there is no client supporting PostgreSQL over HTTP tunnel?

wriedmann's profile image wriedmann posted 5 months ago Permalink

Hi Ansgar,

no, I have not found any. In the past I had used DBManager (a brazilean tool), but they seem to have stopped the development several years ago. And after that we have buyed Navicat Premium Essential licenses (we are 5 programmers in our small company, working on Windows and PHP applications).

And since one of my programmers was using your tool in his previous work and is very happy with it, I have decided to ask for it.


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