add "copy checks" in Table tools (maintenace)

jankaraffa's profile image jankaraffa posted 10 months ago in General Permalink

Hello, this simple new feature will save me tons of time.

Please consider to add "copy checks and paste checks" into Table tools"


What I want to achive: I have 1 development database and 10 production databases. Once I finish development cycle (creating and updating sql procedures/functions) I click on procedures in tree and in database tab I order it by "Updated" column. So I can see what I have modified for last couple days/weeks.

Then I select first 10-15 procedures and via maintenance I export them to local file system (each proc as separate file). Then I want to export same set of procedures (same list of checked procedures) from production database but it is not possible without unchecking all from dev db and manually check the same on prod.

What I would like to have in HeidiSQL is to have option on "database level" to copy checked objects to clipboard then I would uncheck all and move to production database where I would use "check paste". This would select all objects which were copied first (skipping those not found). Then I can use export to sql again but now from prod. This way I can script outside of heidiSQL to see what was changed (via windiff/winmerge) or create list of files which I can commit to git, etc.

Thanks a lot.

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