"You have no privilege to this routine"

edscott623's profile image edscott623 posted 3 months ago in General Permalink

I am unable to view or edit my stored procedures and cannot create a new one. This is code I wrote using HeidiSQL previously but now some needed privilege seems to have disappeared. What's going on here? How do we get HeidiSQL to allow me to view and edit the code I created?

The earlier thread of 11 years ago about missing begin/ends and fixes, etc. was no help.

1 attachment(s):
  • error
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 months ago Permalink

Please watch out for errors in the log panel at the bottom. Especially the SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE ... may have failed here.

edscott623's profile image edscott623 posted 3 months ago Permalink

I see no error in the log panel... SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE derbycit_Pool2023D.ctm_copy_PoolGame;

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 months ago Permalink

And can you post what that SHOW query returns if you run it in a query tab? Probably the result is somehow incomplete.

edscott623's profile image edscott623 posted 3 months ago Permalink

Will do

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