Heidisql stop responding a few seconds every Saving backup file

pepe_carlos's profile image pepe_carlos posted 3 months ago in General Permalink


My installation of HeidiSQL stop responding a few seconds every Saving backup file, the configuration file has a size of 400KB aprox.

Exists any way to fix this?


ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 months ago Permalink

What backup file do you mean? Is it some SQL export, or probably the portable configuration file?

pepe_carlos's profile image pepe_carlos posted 3 months ago Permalink


The problem is with the portable configuration file.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 months ago Permalink

I recommend to disable the filter and sorting history temporarily, to decrease the settings file:


  • Disable it and press ok
  • exit HeidiSQL
  • configuration file should be smaller now
  • restart HeidiSQL and reactivate the option (if wanted)

Note: this will remove all recent WHERE filters you gathered in the data tab for various tables. Probably some larger ones.

pepe_carlos's profile image pepe_carlos posted 3 months ago Permalink

I made this change previously and the problem is not solved, I think the problem is that I have many connections configured on it.(about 15 sessions)

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 months ago Permalink

With the above "Remember filters" setting disabled, you need to connect once to each of your 15 sessions in order to remove old recent filters from all of these sessions.

pepe_carlos's profile image pepe_carlos posted 3 months ago Permalink

OK, I will try it.


pepe_carlos's profile image pepe_carlos posted 2 months ago Permalink

Hi, seems that the problem was fixed, although when save configuration file is hangs a short time (1 or 2 seconds).


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