May I ask how to change the theme of HeiDiSQL

futao's profile image futao posted 2 months ago in General Permalink

How to switch between internal themes?

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ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 months ago Permalink

In Tools > Preferences > General > "Style theme".

Note that the "Windows" theme is the default one.


micus's profile image micus posted 2 months ago Permalink

Hey! Anyone knows how to change the selection color, it's almost unreadable. And remove these white borders on top/left sides? Thanks

3 attachment(s):
  • 6030735
  • 6030831
  • 6030941
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 months ago Permalink

You can't change these colors on the users side. You could use a different style which does not have these issues.

micus's profile image micus posted 2 months ago Permalink

All the custom themes has this issue. Pretty sad, wanted to use the dark theme. Maybe it can be patched somehow with the resource editor to change the font color at least?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 months ago Permalink

Not so here. You're probably using an outdated HeidiSQL version. Current version looks ok (with the Material style):


micus's profile image micus posted 2 months ago Permalink

Thanks, no it's the latest one, but probably my OS w7 is a bit dated and doesn't support some features. But I think I found how to get rid of the borders and probably change the highlighting color by playing with GetSystemColor. Not a delphi dev myself, but will try it out.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 months ago Permalink

I just fixed your links above, maybe that helps :)

I suppose you are aware that Windows 7 is insecure due to its stopped support? You probably have bigger issues than these system colors...

micus's profile image micus posted 2 months ago Permalink

Thanks, it didn't let me post the links.

I suppose you are aware that Windows 7 is insecure due to its stopped support?

I'm sure it's pretty secure, the core stack hasn't changed that much since Vista times. It has all the recent ESU patches and the firewall+router both are well configured, the files are checked with virustotal. In 25 yrs I catched the virus only once when the sourceforge was compromised (2010 or so) and the file was too large and containerized.

I see it's a bit complicated issue, probably the vsf skin file should be also modified. Will try.

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