programm freezes, using an internal formatter

mnk's profile image mnk posted 5 months ago in General Permalink

When automatically reformatting a request using an internal formatter, the program freezes. This is Ubuntu wine

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 months ago Permalink

Is it probably a very long query?

Can you post the query here? Take care of sensitive information.

mnk's profile image mnk posted 5 months ago Permalink

Yes, query is long

SELECT DISTINCT en.type,, en.reg_num, en.id_people, en.id_reg_num, en.profession, en.date_last_visit, en.date_application, en.date_illness, en.mkb10_first, CONCAT(en.mkb10_first," ",mk1.MKB_NAME) AS mkb10_text_first, en.date_of_diagnosis_first, en.date_confirmation_first, CONCAT(rf1.mkb_refind, " ", rf1.mkb_refind_text) as mkb10_refind_first, en.time_all_load, a.polis, en.id_subj, en.mkb10_last, CONCAT(en.mkb10_last," ", mk2.MKB_NAME) AS mkb10_text_last, en.date_of_diagnosis_last, en.date_confirmation_last, CONCAT(rf2.mkb_refind, " ", rf2.mkb_refind_text) as mkb10_refind_last, d1.name_sm as name_hospital, date_hospital, en.poisoning_data, en.dop_info, en.activity, en.cancell, a.surname, a.first_name, a.second_name, CONCAT (a.surname," ",a.first_name, " ",a.second_name) AS fio, a.birthdate,,, t.nameas type_text, IF(en.date_hospital is NULL, "амбулат.", "стацион.") as place_text, en.all_load, en.load_rpn, a.fias_live, a.fias_live_house, a.house_live, flat_live, a.address_text_live, as type_t, IF(DATE_ADD(en.time_reg, INTERVAL 10 DAY) < NOW(), 0, 1) as edit, a.place_work, en.uid, en.date_first_appeal, IF(DATE_ADD(en.time_reg, INTERVAL 70 DAY) < NOW(), 0, 1) as add_dop, d.name_sm as name_lpu, en.cancell, en.labor_exam, en.notes_f60, TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, IF(en.type_notice = 1, en.date_of_diagnosis_first + INTERVAL 1 DAY, en.date_of_diagnosis_last + INTERVAL 1 DAY), en.timeInsert) AS time_diff, CASE WHEN df.status IS NULL THEN "" ELSE END AS flu_vakcine, ( (YEAR(CURRENT_DATE) - YEAR(a.birthdate)) - (DATE_FORMAT(CURRENT_DATE, "%m%d") < DATE_FORMAT(a.birthdate, "%m%d")) ) as age, en.timeInsert, en.timeUpdate, as dispatch_status, m2.last_exist FROM emergency_notice en INNER JOIN people_data a ON ( = en.id_people AND a.del=0 and en.del=0) JOIN (SELECT, a.surname, a.first_name, a.second_name, en.timeInsert, if(( SELECT en2.time_all_load FROM emergency_notice en2 WHERE en.reg_num = en2.reg_num ORDER BY en2.time_all_load DESC LIMIT 1) > en.time_all_load, 0,1) AS last_exist FROM emergency_notice en INNER JOIN people_data a ON ( = en.id_people AND a.del=0) INNER JOIN dic_lpu d ON (en.id_subj = d.id_subj) WHERE en.del=0 and a.del=0 AND en.id_subj =888 ORDER BY en.timeInsert DESC LIMIT 20 OFFSET 0) m2 ON ( = LEFT JOINlogl0 ON ( = l0.id_tabl and l0.tabl="emergency_notice" and l0.action=2) LEFT JOINlogl1 ON ( = l1.id_tabl and l1.tabl="people_data" and l1.action=2) LEFT JOIN dic_lpu d ON (en.id_subj = d.id_subj) LEFT JOIN dic_lpu d1 ON (en.id_subj_hospital = d1.id_subj) LEFT JOIN nci.mkb10 mk1 ON (en.mkb10_first = mk1.MKB_CODE) LEFT JOIN nci.mkb10 mk2 ON (en.mkb10_last = mk2.MKB_CODE) LEFT JOIN dictionarys t ON (en.type = t.cod AND t.dictionary = 29 AND t.islast = 1) LEFT JOIN dictionarys t1 ON (en.type_notice = t1.cod AND t1.dictionary = 33 AND t1.islast = 1) LEFT JOIN fias_cov.rpn_refind_ds rf1 ON (en.mkb10_refind_first = rf1.guid) LEFT JOIN fias_cov.rpn_refind_ds rf2 ON (en.mkb10_refind_last = rf2.guid) LEFT JOIN data_flu df ON ( = df.id_people AND df.del = 0) LEFT join dictionarys fs ON (df.status = fs.cod and fs.islast = 1 AND fs.dictionary=41) LEFT join dispatch dis on ( = dis.id_en) ORDER BY en.timeInsert DESC

mnk's profile image mnk posted 5 months ago Permalink

Even with this request it hangs

SELECT * FROM patient a WHERE a.Person_id=1657664

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 months ago Permalink

Confirmed. Will have a look at that.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 months ago Permalink

Quite a weird issue, but I could just solve it. Newest build does not freeze any longer.

Either the -M or the -$O- compiler option fixed it. I'm nearly sure it was the latter one. -$O is a compiler optimization, which was activated by default (-$O+), now disabled with the minus behind it. I don't think this will introduce new issues, but probably we should keep an eye open.

mnk's profile image mnk posted 5 months ago Permalink

I download last version. All work, thank you.

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