Copy and Paste Tables/Databases/Functions/Views

mrforsythexeter's profile image mrforsythexeter posted 14 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink
It would be nice to be able to copy and paste Database's,Tables, Functions and Views like MySQL Front did. I know you have your table clone tool, but tables are not the only asset I think this radical idea should be applied to.
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 14 years ago Permalink
Please explain more detailed. MySQL Front 2.5 did not display or work with views and functions. So I can't be sure what you mean.
mrforsythexeter's profile image mrforsythexeter posted 14 years ago Permalink
I am running MySQL-Front 5.1 Build 3.73, last Version ever released. In this version, I can right click copy and paste, database's, tables, functions, views. I can even do it across servers. I have downloaded the trail version which I can email to you, or tell you the link to download so you can see the SQL its running if you like. I would like to move completly over to heidi, however as you have seen from my posts.. some features which I rely on daily from MySQL-Front are missing in heidi. So I continue to use both (MySQL Front when it doesn't crash), and heidi for all the things it does much better than MySQL Front.
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 14 years ago Permalink
I won't accept arguments like "please do that how it is in application xyz", so please do not send me some application via mail.

If you suggest such a feature, please explain *in detail* how that should work, and how all users would probably accept this new thing.
mrforsythexeter's profile image mrforsythexeter posted 14 years ago Permalink
Sorry again, I was trying to save time and give you a core location to find the information.

You already present an option to clone table. You already know how to step over the whole a whole database. You already know how to read a view. you already know how to read a function.

You also know how to create tables, views, triggers, databases.

You also know how to read columns.

From your clone table feature you normally add '_copy' on the end to avoid conflicting names.

So when a users selects copy, store what it is they want to copy (a ref to a type of object and what the object is)

when they click paste, step over what ever the object was (so a database would be a lot of work to step over, a function would just be one object) then use the create syntax to create it in the destination.

Im not 100% on the technical data of copying data, but maybe a select insert?

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