AutoUpdate JRE issues

[expired user #3375]'s profile image [expired user #3375] posted 16 years ago in jHeidi (discontinued) Permalink
If you have problems installing the latest autoupdate, it is most likely that you are running a JRE and not a JDK.

An unwanted dependency on the Java JDK is present in the autoupdater.

This will not cause problems on OSX as a JDK is installed by default. On linux or windows, if you attempt to install the next release, the app will shutdown and you will not see the progress bar indicating the download of the new version.

To correct this either wait until the autoupdater has been fixed (a few days and the autoupdater will be picked up when you say check for update.

Or install the Java JDK and run the auto update again.

This issue will be fixed as soon as possible.


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