Starting: ... ehm, taskbar gone?!

Curanai's profile image Curanai posted 13 years ago in General Permalink
Hi folks,

for a couple of updates now, I have no taskbar if HSQL starts! This results in "searching on desktop", where the screen to connect at a database finally is ...

After connecting to a database, the taskbar appears at the bottom as usally.

Ehm, is it possible to spend a taskbar to everyone who uses more than 10 tasks at one time? Has little bit of "hide and seek" else ... ;)

And no, not "urgent" ... just an "info".

Best regards!
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 13 years ago Permalink
Yes, that's a known bug which I am unable to fix - it's more a problem in the underlying VCL library. I will watch out if there is some fix or workaround in the meantime.
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 13 years ago Permalink
See issue #2629

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