Issue: Postgres objects don't show in tree (v9.4.0.5133)

wouter van nifterick's profile image wouter van nifterick posted 7 years ago in General Permalink

I've upgraded from 9.3 to, and after this update I don't see any objects in the db tree on the left.

The schema's are there, and when I configure the tree to group objects by type, i do see the number of items, but I don't see the items themselves.

I've turned debug logging on:

/* Connecting to via PostgreSQL (experimental), username superbmu, using password: Yes ... */
/* Ping server ... */
/* Result #1 fetched. */
/* Ping server ... */
/* Connected. Thread-ID: 25527 */
/* Ping server ... */
SET statement_timeout TO 0;
/* Ping server ... */
/* Result #1 fetched. */
/* DBtreeFocusChanged without node. */
/* Ping server ... */
SELECT "nspname" FROM "pg_catalog"."pg_namespace" ORDER BY "nspname";
/* Result #1 fetched. */
/* DBtreeFocusChanged, Node level: 0, FTreeRefreshInProgress: 0 */
/* SetDatabase(), FDatabase:  */
/* Entering session "pg Amsterdam" */
/* editDatabaseTableFilterChange */
/* editDatabaseTableFilterChange */
/* editDatabaseTableFilterChange */
/* editDatabaseTableFilterChange */
/* Ping server ... */
SELECT *, pg_table_size(QUOTE_IDENT(t.TABLE_SCHEMA) || E'.' || QUOTE_IDENT(t.TABLE_NAME))::bigint AS data_length, pg_relation_size(QUOTE_IDENT(t.TABLE_SCHEMA) || E'.' || QUOTE_IDENT(t.TABLE_NAME))::bigint AS index_length, c.reltuples, obj_description(c.oid) AS comment FROM "information_schema"."tables" AS t LEFT JOIN "pg_namespace" n ON t.table_schema = n.nspname LEFT JOIN "pg_class" c ON n.oid = c.relnamespace AND c.relname=t.table_name WHERE t."table_schema"=E'public';
/* Result #1 fetched. */
/* Unknown datatype oid #1034 for "nspacl". Fall back to UNKNOWN. */
/* Unknown datatype oid #1034 for "relacl". Fall back to UNKNOWN. */
/* Unknown datatype oid #1009 for "reloptions". Fall back to UNKNOWN. */
/* Ping server ... */
SELECT "p"."proname" FROM "pg_catalog"."pg_namespace" AS "n" JOIN "pg_catalog"."pg_proc" AS "p" ON "p"."pronamespace" = "n"."oid" WHERE "n"."nspname"=E'public';
/* Result #1 fetched. */
/* editDatabaseTableFilterChange */

In the screenshot you see how it looks. The schema's show, but the tables and other menu-items remain empty when you expand them.

Note: this was working fine on this machine until I've upgraded HeidiSQL.

1 attachment(s):
  • HeidiSQL-No-objects
wouter van nifterick's profile image wouter van nifterick posted 7 years ago Permalink

Some extra information:

This seems to be some filtering issue somehow. All objects show in the Database tab as they should. They just don't appear in the tree. When I tried to enter a filter I saw items appear, and using filter "*" (without the quotes), does what used to happen when there was no filter at all.

I can work with that, but for other users this might not be obvious. Did the filtering change in the latest version or something?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 7 years ago Permalink

No. Did you press the "favorites only" button with the yellow star on it? (besides the filter boxes at the top of the tree)

[expired user #10341]'s profile image [expired user #10341] posted 7 years ago Permalink

I also have this with PG. I created a new (empty) db and it doesn't appear in the tree, regardless of what's in the filters. I also recently updated. I didn't try PG before.

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