MSSQL multiple schema names bug

[expired user #10375]'s profile image [expired user #10375] posted 7 years ago in General Permalink

When the schema name in database is different from 'dbo', or database has more than one schema names - HeidiSQL constructs object names in internal queries like this:

select *** from "DatabaseName".."TableName" (note double period between databse name and table name)

When I manually run same query with a fix - it works fine:

select *** from "DatabaseName".myschemaname."TableName"

And when database schema name is default (dbo) and the only - Heidi handles it correctly:

select *** from "DatabaseName".dbo."TableName"

Please fix it.

[expired user #10448]'s profile image [expired user #10448] posted 7 years ago Permalink

Bump. I'm having the same issue, it would be nice to have a fix

thiagolemos's profile image thiagolemos posted 2 years ago Permalink

This is still not fixed in the current version 12.1.

It doesn't seems that HeidiSQL development is really focused in MSSQL, but more in other open-source languages.

It would be nice to have a default schema or select the available schemas, for the cases where we have more than one.

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