Cannot export mssql data

[expired user #11533]'s profile image [expired user #11533] posted 6 years ago in General Permalink

Whenever I try exporting, it is showing SQL error 102 and Incorrect syntax near the keyword "IF".

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "USERS" ( "id" INT(10,0) NOT NULL, "client_id" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "username" TEXT(2147483647) NULL DEFAULT NULL, "full_name" TEXT(2147483647) NULL DEFAULT NULL, "state" INT(10,0) NULL DEFAULT ((0)), "lang" VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT ('ru'), "last_selected_location" TEXT(2147483647) NULL DEFAULT NULL, "last_searched_drug" TEXT(2147483647) NULL DEFAULT NULL, "last_limit_from" INT(10,0) NULL DEFAULT ((0)), "last_limit_to" INT(10,0) NULL DEFAULT ((10)), "phone" TEXT(2147483647) NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("id") );

[expired user #11559]'s profile image [expired user #11559] posted 6 years ago Permalink


[expired user #11746]'s profile image [expired user #11746] posted 6 years ago Permalink

Same here. Using HeidiSQL v9.5.0.5249 on remote SQL Server via SSL tunnel, then exporting into local Docker container (microsoft/mssql-server-linux).

1 attachment(s):
  • HeidiSQL-bug-25373
[expired user #11746]'s profile image [expired user #11746] posted 6 years ago Permalink

[Local\SL-MSSQL-Docker] CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "t_zonemap" ( "zmap_no" INT(10,0) NOT NULL, "smap_no" INT(10,0) NOT NULL, "zmap_graphic" NVARCHAR(1000) NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("zmap_no") ); / [Local\SL-MSSQL-Docker] SQL Error (102): Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'IF' Incorrect syntax near 't_zonemap'. /

[expired user #11769]'s profile image [expired user #11769] posted 6 years ago Permalink

Thanks for posting your question as i faced earlier the same error.

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