Error while creating new tables, alter tables, table copies etc. (mysql/mariadb)

CoolWater's profile image CoolWater posted 4 years ago in General Permalink

There is an error while creating new tables, alter tables, table copies etc:

The quotation marks are missing for default values. I.E.:

ALTER TABLE table CHANGE COLUMN Column ColumnNew VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT COLLATE 'latin1_german2_ci' AFTER ColumnPrev;

This should be (emtpy default value):

ALTER TABLE table CHANGE COLUMN Column ColumnNew VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT "" COLLATE 'latin1_german2_ci' AFTER ColumnPrev;

HTH CoolWater

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 4 years ago Permalink

Please report your used HeidiSQL version.

The latest builds may surely throw such errors, as I am working on a larger code change. In case you use a build, I can currently recommend not to use them, use the last stable release instead.

CoolWater's profile image CoolWater posted 4 years ago Permalink

My HeidiSQL version is

I will revert back to the lastest stable release in this case... :-)

Regards CoolWater

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