MSSQL User: got "slapped" on first trying the software

matelot's profile image matelot posted 4 years ago in General Permalink

I only use MSSQL. The app has crashed a couple of times (Win10), but never mind that.

I wanted to try the one feature that got my attention: copy table(s) to another DB/server. Got error.

Why is it that HeidiSQL insists on using MySQL syntax (IFNULL) ?

/* SQL Error (102): Incorrect syntax near ','. */ /*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=IFNULL(@OLD_LOCAL_SQL_MODE, '') */;

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 4 years ago Permalink

HeidiSQL is by tradition more a MySQL/MariaDB client, while MSSQL syntax is incompatible with that in quite a few places. The SQL export is one of these.

As a workaround, you could export to clipbboard instead, paste the result somewhere and fix the SQL issues before firing it on MSSQL.

matelot's profile image matelot posted 4 years ago Permalink

export to clipbboard

aber bitte :)

You really should add the info to that help page.

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