[Bug report] Table Comment error

andreandroid's profile image andreandroid posted 3 years ago in General Permalink

Hi everyone, I've noticed that, when a table is alphabetically shown after a view, its comment cannot be shown properly. This happens using Heidi v11.3.0.6348 , connecting to a MySQL DB.

As you can see in the attached image (I had to cover table names, sorry), the comments for the tables that alphabetically come after a view, all are shown as the same, being "VIEWNAME is not BASE TABLE". The same happens if I show the single table detail. If I try to alter the comment, it seems it cannot be changed. But, if I connect to the DB using MySQL Workbench, the comment is properly shown.

Actually I cannot check if the same thing happens when connecting to a different DBMS like MSSQL.

Thanks, bye A

1 attachment(s):
  • heidi-view-comment
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

I cannot reproduce that here.

Could you please check the result of SHOW TABLE status in that database?

andreandroid's profile image andreandroid posted 3 years ago Permalink

Hi ansgar, this is the result. Again, sorry I have to censor db and table names. As you can see, I created a view named "test view", and the subsequent table inherits the "...is not base table" comment.

1 attachment(s):
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ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

That shows the comments are identically on the server, and not mixed up by HeidiSQL. Looks strange. You could change the comments (via HeidiSQL's table editor) and see if that fixes it in the tables list.


andreandroid's profile image andreandroid posted 3 years ago Permalink

Done that, with no effect. The comments are mixed up by Heidi, because if I check the very same tables via MySQL Workbench, the comments are shown correctly. Any attempt to update the table's comment via Heidi has no "visual" effect, the comment is changed on the server (and the result is visible connecting to the DB via Workbench), but Heidi still renders the comments like before.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Be sure HeidiSQL does not show you cached results.. Please restart HeidiSQL once and check again if not done already.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Also, re-check SHOW TABLE STATUS. If that still shows identical comments, then why is Workbench displaying something else?

andreandroid's profile image andreandroid posted 3 years ago Permalink

Also, re-check SHOW TABLE STATUS. If that still shows identical comments, then why is Workbench displaying something else?

Well, that's why I reported a bug in HeidiSQL... apparently there's nothing wrong with the server, it rather seems that Heidi retrieves the comments from the server in a different way than MySQL Workbench.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

So what's SHOW TABLE STATUS saying now? Please fire that in both HeidiSQL and Workbench, and watch out for the "comment" column.

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