export / import frage

[expired user #2816]'s profile image [expired user #2816] posted 17 years ago in Import/Export Permalink
hallo allerseits,
ich verwende einen mysql5 server und heidisql3. ich m
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 17 years ago Permalink
Please respect our forum rules - write in english.

So you exported one table via "Export as SQL" to a .sql-file and imported that file on another server. Now the new table does not show on the new server. Sounds very odd, especially if you didn't get any errormessage.

- How did you exactly do the import?
- Did you select the correct database on the left tree before importing?
jan's profile image jan posted 17 years ago Permalink
have you refreshed the table-structure? heidi is not very good in auto-refreshing the tree.

tip: close all leafs, put the focus to the tree and press f5.

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