I'm trying to connect to MSSQL Server with TCP/IP and keep getting SQL ERROR (17) - it can't find the DB or User/PW if no good. But I can connect with Named Pipes using the same User ID & PW.
I've checked the protocols in SQL Server Configuration Manager/SQL Server Network Configuration and IP4 ( is enabled.
I've tried dynamic ports/no dynamic ports, setting the port to 1433/leaving it blank, and all combinations.
Currently it is set at Dynamic Ports on [0] and TCP Port [blank] (which was the default, so I put it back.)
I also have noticed that when I try to connect via TCP/IP that the Session manager hangs and Windows 10 needs to restart it. (I don't know if this is related to my problem.)
Any help would be greatly appreciated as that once this I get this test working locally I need to connect to an MSSQL server through the internet and thus need the TCP/IP connectivity.
Thank you in advance