Connection settings in a database

Skelgaard's profile image Skelgaard posted 5 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink

It would be so nice, if the connection data could be stored in a database instead, so that my 3 machines could be in sync with the connections....

and i bet alot of other users could use this too :)

Skelgaard's profile image Skelgaard posted 4 years ago Permalink

no replies to this one :(

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 4 years ago Permalink

Well that's the way it is currently, and your post did not contain a question.

However, you could download the portable version and sync the portable_settings.txt file with your other machines.

Skelgaard's profile image Skelgaard posted 4 years ago Permalink

yes but that would make me have to setup a shedule on two/more machines to do this automatic to sync several machines to same connections. And if then changed on both machines at once, then it gives conflicts and so. Thats why a sql save function would be better.

That will also make that if you work with more teams, you can have a db for each team and connects shared with them, if multible "groups" could be added with connections and each group could have its own connection save point...

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 4 years ago Permalink

Honestly, that's nothing I would implement in HeidiSQL. Security is also an issue here, as the session settings contain credentials, which you then would share through a database. I would not like to be responsible for such issues, as the developer of it.

But you could set up such a workflow yourself, with some external tools, it should be possible to have the settings in a database. E.g. instead of starting heidisql.exe, you could write a heidisql.cmd batch file, wich exports settings from your database using mysqldump, and then start heidisql.exe.

Skelgaard's profile image Skelgaard posted 4 years ago Permalink

If security of the sql is an issue, then you proberly have a bigger problem as there generaly would be a bigger chance that your workstation will be hacked than your sql.

Problem with the suggested sollutions is merge bug and only getting stuff updated on close, not live, so if i change something on one computer, the other doesn't see it.

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