Disable Filter before opening the data-page

Geisha2024's profile image Geisha2024 posted 10 months ago in General Permalink

I have a large maria dB Database and want to set a filter before i open the Data page

I have cleared all previous filters but always SELECT * FROM fhem2021db.history ORDER BY 'TIMESTAMP' ASC LIMIT 20000000; is started and there is no possibility to stop it.

How can I stop it or avoid the start of the request?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 10 months ago Permalink

That was already requested in issue #1868.

I just fixed that, and pushed a modification for the next build, which clears the sorting clause as well, when you click "Clear data tab filter" (see screenshot below). You need to rightclick the table when the "Table" tab is active, so you're not accidentally reapplying an old filter/sort first.

image description

Geisha2024's profile image Geisha2024 posted 10 months ago Permalink

Thank you Ansgar, Now I updated my Heidi S/W and it works now. But I expected when I clear the filter that there is no entry when I open the Database but still the following will apply: SELECT * FROM fhem.history LIMIT 2000000;

Now 2 Million rows are selected. Compared to a formerly Filter it is relativ quick but why is it not possible to avoid this?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 10 months ago Permalink

No, selecting the Data tab triggers selecting the data from the currently selected table. This is intentionally, by design.

The large LIMIT number was customized on your side. By default we have 1000 here. See Tools > Preferences > Grid formatting:


Geisha2024's profile image Geisha2024 posted 10 months ago Permalink

I have 2 Million adjusted because I want to filter and delete 1 parameter with was over months logged. Each month has more than 1 Million rows of this parameter.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 10 months ago Permalink

Ok, that explains it. I recommend to use a filter instead in such cases. But as you said the 2 mio rows are quickly returned, this may not be necessairy.

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