HeidSQL UI not opening - It's running in background only

BHAVIN's profile image BHAVIN posted 5 years ago in General Permalink

I am using HeidSQL for the last 5 years and today I am facing one issue like after adding database credentials, it's working on the background. I am not able to see anything in UI. Not opening any error or warning message as well. Please help.

BHAVIN's profile image BHAVIN posted 5 years ago Permalink

Any idea about this issue? Please help me with this issue. I am not able to upload the video of my issue here because it gives error here.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 years ago Permalink

So there is no visible main window after pressing the "OK" button on the session manager? Or is the session manager invisible as well? Please be more exact.

BHAVIN's profile image BHAVIN posted 5 years ago Permalink

the session manager is opening correctly. When I enter database login credentials and press the login button then all windows are invisible. But when I check it on task manager then it's running in background.

BHAVIN's profile image BHAVIN posted 5 years ago Permalink

@andrec1Eds - Are you talking about which connection? Can you give more explanation for this?

clenemt's profile image clenemt posted 5 years ago Permalink

Same issue here, long time user but this happens for the past 3 weeks. Sometime the next day I come in to work and the ui from the day before appears. So it seems there is some kind of timeout not happening or something :D Reinstalling does not fix this issue.

BHAVIN's profile image BHAVIN posted 5 years ago Permalink

I have tried everything installing database and heidSql both also tried with different versions of HeidSql but facing same issue.

BHAVIN's profile image BHAVIN posted 5 years ago Permalink

Still facing same issue. Please help me to resolve my issue.

BubikolRamios's profile image BubikolRamios posted 5 years ago Permalink

In windows press ALT+tab. Maybe it is there. Check.

BubikolRamios's profile image BubikolRamios posted 5 years ago Permalink

"also tried with different versions of HeidSql" If you replaced only executable ?, earlyer version of executable should do the trick. Pleas also try to login to some other db and report what happens.

BHAVIN's profile image BHAVIN posted 5 years ago Permalink

"also tried with different versions of HeidSql" If you replaced only executable ?, earlyer version of executable should do the trick. Pleas also try to login to some other db and report what happens.

Thanks @BubikolRamios for the respond. I have tried a few lower versions as well but facing same issue. when I check the task manager, HeidSQL is running in the process but on screen I won't be able to see it. :(

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 years ago Permalink

Probably the restore-tabs feature waits too long for opening a file which is locked for some reason.

You can testwise disable that restore feature:

  • exit all HeidiSQL instances
  • start regedit.exe
  • go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HeidiSQL
  • create a new 32bit DWORD value
  • name it "RestoreTabs", and give it a value of "1"
  • start HeidiSQL
BHAVIN's profile image BHAVIN posted 5 years ago Permalink

Thanks, Ansgar. I have tried this solution but it's not helpful. When HeidSQL is running in the background it's using 25% of CPU usage.

Probably the restore-tabs feature waits too long for opening a file which is locked for some reason.

You can testwise disable that restore feature:

  • exit all HeidiSQL instances
  • start regedit.exe
  • go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HeidiSQL
  • create a new 32bit DWORD value
  • name it "RestoreTabs", and give it a value of "1"
  • start HeidiSQL
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 years ago Permalink

Sorry, I gave you a wrong value here - "1" means activated, so: give that "RestoreTabs" the value "0", while all HeidiSQL instances are closed. Then restart HeidiSQL.

BHAVIN's profile image BHAVIN posted 5 years ago Permalink

Thanks, Dear. It's working now. Thank you so much for your help :)

Sorry, I gave you a wrong value here - "1" means activated, so: give that "RestoreTabs" the value "0", while all HeidiSQL instances are closed. Then restart HeidiSQL.

fabiobalsa's profile image fabiobalsa posted 4 years ago Permalink

Probably the restore-tabs feature waits too long for opening a file which is locked for some reason.

You can testwise disable that restore feature:

  • exit all HeidiSQL instances
  • start regedit.exe
  • go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HeidiSQL
  • create a new 32bit DWORD value
  • name it "RestoreTabs", and give it a value of "0"
  • start HeidiSQL

This worked for me.

Why was this error happening?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 4 years ago Permalink

This was an issue in an older version of Heidi, and I don't recall what the reason exactly was. However, updating to v11.1 should fix it.

mcorby's profile image mcorby posted 3 years ago Permalink

Ansgar - thank you for this fine piece of software.

For inbo when faced with this same issue, your advise helped cure sort the problem.

I'm running Windows 10 and V

b_blk's profile image b_blk posted 2 years ago Permalink

Probably the restore-tabs feature waits too long for opening a file which is locked for some reason.

You can testwise disable that restore feature:

  • exit all HeidiSQL instances
  • start regedit.exe
  • go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HeidiSQL
  • create a new 32bit DWORD value
  • name it "RestoreTabs", and give it a value of "0"
  • start HeidiSQL

This worked for me.

Why was this error happening?

This worked for me too, so i'm just passing by to thank you!

chrisp12934's profile image chrisp12934 posted 2 years ago Permalink

Had this issue on Windows 10 with version and this worked. Thanks!

berbo's profile image berbo posted 2 years ago Permalink

same issue here, but with me it was because a backup tab was far too big (containing a dbdrop-script to recreate a database)

some editing in %appdata%Heidisql\Backups cured it


Serpes's profile image Serpes posted 2 months ago Permalink

This worked for me too on HeidiSQL

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