Commit prompt when moving from an edited row in GRID editing

RiaanGeyer's profile image RiaanGeyer posted 4 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink

When editing a row in the Grid editing, many times a person accidentilly clicks on a different row, be it by the mouse or keyboard, and it results in the row being committed with incorrect data.

Possible to have a confirmation dialog in Grid editing when you move from an edited row to a new row?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 4 years ago Permalink

That would be quite annoying, wouldn't it?

RiaanGeyer's profile image RiaanGeyer posted 4 years ago Permalink

Less annoying than having to fix data after TRIGGERS etc happens from incorrect data entry :P

Could just use the approuch used in other places, a prompt with a "remember me" setting. Best of both worlds then :)

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