HeidiSQL_task_restart.xml in Temporaries directory annoys people at the security department

PLUS-RobertEhrenleitner's profile image PLUS-RobertEhrenleitner posted 2 years ago in General Permalink

Dear all,

Recently, when I started HeidiSQL, a file called HeidiSQL_task_restart.xml was created in my user's temporary files directory, AppData\Local\Temp. This incident popped up at the security department immediately, because these two things do not fit together: Either something is a recurring task or it is temporary and can be removed afterwards. So, why is the XML file which describes the task placed in the Temp directory and left there?

The XML file's content is returned from the function TfrmUpdateCheck.GetTaskXmlFileContents in updatecheck.pas.

Kind regards, Robert

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

It's just a temporary file in a directory with the purpose of holding temporary files. But yes, HeidiSQL could delete it after use. This is currently not done in the current implementation.

PLUS-RobertEhrenleitner's profile image PLUS-RobertEhrenleitner posted 2 years ago Permalink

I took a look at the scheduled tasks in the Windows Tasks and could not find a related task. Is it removed right afterwards? If so, why use a scheduled task in the first place?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

This is my solution for restarting HeidiSQL after a build update, without administrator privileges, while the updater itself has administrator privileges.

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