How could we bring all database vendors to offer free developer licenses?

cristiscu's profile image cristiscu posted 4 years ago in General Permalink

This may look weird, as in some areas I develop a product that competes to HeidiSQL (not so popular, however :)). The message is for Ansgar and any other database developer/architect/specialist that may be interested in the topic. If you are interested as well please spread the message, as it is for us (the devs)...

I wrote a large article at (replace | with slash silly is this restriction BTW! :))), if you have time to get into details.

Briefly, it is about the huge inconsistencies between RDBMS vendors when facing the devs.

Among the cloud databases, you may create a free small Postgres cloud database on Heroku, and IBM offers free cloud DB2 databases. Most other big names (AWS, Microsoft Azure, Oracle Cloud) start charge you too much once you exhaust their free trial. Old SAP/Sybase ASE and Ingres databases don't even offer express or developer licenses.

How can we lobby to these guys to understand it would be good for them as well to better collaborate with us?

*edit Ansgar> activated your link. The restriction shall block spammers

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