Comment Hotkey

kaalamannacool's profile image kaalamannacool posted 2 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink

Hello. I want to request a feature (if not yet available) for script comment hotkey which can be very helpful if we're testing multiple scripts in one file. Most of the editors support quick comment by pressing "CTRL + /" on Windows.

Many thanks,


ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

That's already there, in the context menu, just without a shortcut:


In Tools > Preferences > Shortcuts > SQL, you can set a custom keyboard shortcut.

By the way, please update to v12.0

kaalamannacool's profile image kaalamannacool posted 2 years ago Permalink

Thanks! I haven't seen that before or I haven't used right click before 🤣. So I guess the initial or default shortcut key can be:

Menu + M


Many thanks!

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